Cool Cockpit

I do very occationally get up to some cool things in my job. Above are pictures of me in the pilot seat of some Russian aircraft belonging to a company we are thinking about working with.
The last pic is of the cockpit of a Tupalev TU-134A a completely analog cockpit whos design basically dates back to WWII. The TU-134 is also a very cool aircraft because it was designed as a Bomber and has this glass nose where the navigator sits (middle picture). As a bomber it would of course have a big gun at the front.
Then we inspected a YAK-40D (top pic) that is basically a small private jet originally build so that the leaders of the People's Republic did not have to mix with the people in any way. It is also very cool and completely analog. Notice the giant metal tupe that the stearing wheal is attached to. This is connected by vire directly to the wings! Both of these aircraft where build in the '70 and are still going strong even if they are very expensive to operate and very polluting.
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No, they did invite us to go with them to Astrakahn in Kasakstan but that would have ment 24hrs in Kstan. did not have the time unfortunately!
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