Friday, August 04, 2006

Accidental Shooting Victim

The press reports this morning that not only has the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) found the shooting of Mohammed Abdul Kahar accidental he’s been charged with possession of child pornography. The same day?

As I understand the sequence of events here the Police:

  • Raided someones house (and subsequently tore it apart) on the basis of bogus intel;
  • Shot one of the inhabitants (Mr Kahar) causing “grievous” bodily harm;
  • Removed property from the house including PCs;
  • Held the innocent, and now injured, Mr Kahar and his brother for 2 weeks in custody;
  • Whilst holding them in custody spread libellous rumours about the brothers including suggesting that one of them had fired the gun that injured Mr. Kahar;
  • Grudgingly releases the brothers as an investigation by the IPCC gets under way.

Now even in this country of minimal rights to defend oneself against the authorities the above would give cause to serious litigation and damage claims. But what if one of the victims, say the one that got shot, had porn on his PC, make that child porn. Would make it a lot harder to prosecute any claims certainly would diminish the sympathy effect.

Neat coincidence don’t ya think!


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