Funding of Political Parties II
Posted again over at the Review of the Funding of Political Parties. This time on political donations by unions:
They are asking three questions:
They are asking three questions:
- Do you think that any cap on donations (see Cap on donations discussion) should apply to Trade Union affiliation fees and/or donations?
- Do you think that donations from Trade Unions should be treated differently or the same as donations from companies or other organisations?
- Do you think that Trade Union financing of political parties is solely a financial issue or does it raise wider issues?
- I don’t believe donations should be capped at all regardless of whether they are from individuals or organizations. If there is an argument to be made that union donations should be capped it applies equally to corporate or individual donations. Therefore, the only cap I would apply to union donations is any cap that would be applied generally.
- The only difference between an union and any other donor with a special interest is that unions are not truly voluntary organizations. As many union member need to belong as a conditions of their employment or because their employment would be untenable without union membership there is a degree of coercion in union membership. In other words you can not argue that when someone joined an union he knew they where indirectly donating to a political party but still joined. I therefore believe the membership of unions should be polled on Party donations. I also, believe that due to the element of coercion you can not simply hold a general poll of members rather you must allow individual union members to decide individually where their donations go.
- All donors to political parties have agendas be they ideological or plain self interest and this is entirely proper. This is also true of unions who are in the business of advancing the interest of their members. That many people believe unions to be misguided in their methods and/or demands should not be relevant. Therefore, donations by unions a financial matter only.
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